Außenansicht | © Tourist-Information Bad Breisig

17:00 - 00:00

Gaststätte Ratsstübchen

Bachstr. 4, 53498 Bad Breisig

Small and rustic restaurant with cosy beer garden.
The small restaurant is located in the Bachstraße.
It is centrally located and near the church.
In summer you can sit outside in the small beer garden.

Gaststätte Ratsstübchen

From01.01.2019 until the 31.12.2025

Opening hours:
Tuesday: 17:00Clock to 00:00Clock
Wednesday: 17:00Clock to 00:00Clock
Friday: 17:00Clock to 00:00Clock
Saturday: 17:00Clock to 00:00Clock
Sunday: 17:00Clock to 00:00Clock

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53498 Bad Breisig Bachstr. 4
Gaststätte Ratsstübchen
Bachstr. 4
53498 Bad Breisig

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