Römisches Museum, Remagen | © Andreas Pacek, fototour-deutschland.de

13:00 - 17:00

Römisches Museum

Kirchstraße 9, 53424 Remagen

Finds from the Roman fort RIGOMAGVS are presented in a former chapel from the 15th century.

All the exhibits in the museum were found in Remagen and the surrounding area. In the basement, eight grave inventories offer insight into various Roman burial forms. On the ground floor, the daily life of the soldiers is presented mainly by means of inscriptions. In the gallery, finds made of ceramics, glass, terracotta and metal show examples of Roman craftsmanship. Together, these finds create a picture that provides information about the culture, religion, art and everyday life of Roman soldiers in the province of Lower Germania.

Römisches Museum, Remagen | © Andreas Pacek, fototour-deutschland.de
Eingang | © Andreas Pacek, fototour-deutschland.de
Ausstellungsraum | © Andreas Pacek, fototour-deutschland.de
Römisches Museum Untergeschoss | © Volker Thehos

Römisches Museum

From01.03.2024 until the 31.10.2024

Opening hours:
Tuesday: 15:00Clock to 17:00Clock
Wednesday: 15:00Clock to 17:00Clock
Thursday: 15:00Clock to 17:00Clock
Friday: 15:00Clock to 17:00Clock

From01.01.2024 until the 31.12.2024

Opening hours:
Saturday: 13:00Clock to 17:00Clock
Sunday: 13:00Clock to 17:00Clock

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53424 Remagen Kirchstraße 9
Römisches Museum
Kirchstraße 9
53424 Remagen

Phone: (0049) 2642 20187
Web: http://www.remagen.de

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